And The Winner for AUSTROS 2024 is.....

Luke Banitsiotis from Woodards in Victoria has been crowned as Australasia’s top auctioneer at the AUSTROS 2024 championships held in Hobart and hosted by the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania (REIT) this week.
Mr Banitsiotis battled it out with four other finalists including, Alec Brown, Bronte Manuel, Clarence White and Paul Hancock at the event convened by the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) and Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) and hosted by the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania (REIT). Luke is a four time REIV award winning auctioneer and one of only 18 REIV Master Auctioneers in the state.
REIA President, Ms. Leanne Pilkington, congratulated the winner, adding that it was a highly spirited and eagerly anticipated event.
She emphasised the significance of the AUSTROS championships in recognising and celebrating the best auctioneers across Australasia, underscoring its importance in the real estate industry.
“The event attracted Australia and New Zealand’s top auctioneers and brought together high-profile names to compete for one of the industry’s most coveted awards,” Ms Pilkington said.
REINZ CEO, Jen Baird said the past few days in Hobart have been remarkable. “The AUSTROS showcased the world-class talent of the auctioneers that support the real estate profession in New Zealand and Australia.
The competition was fierce and Luke thoroughly deserved this win.”
REIT CEO, Michelle Tynan said it was an outstanding set of auctions called over these past two days in Hobart. The auctioneers had called around 32,000 auctions between them to a total sales value of $21 billion and the standards of client service were evident in every call.
“Thank you to the AUSTROS 2024 judges panel, the Chief Judge, bidders, competitors, finalists and congratulations to Luke.” The AUSTROS is an annual event celebrating the best auctioneers in Australia and New Zealand.
Conducted jointly by the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) and the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ), the Championships have become the most prestigious event on the Australasian Auctioneering calendar.
REINZ and the Real Estate Institutes for each Australian state and territory, hold their own competition to find their best two auctioneers.
These auctioneers then go in to compete in the AUSTROS. Hosting of the competition is rotated around the different Australian states and territories, with New Zealand hosting the event once every four years.